Thursday, September 30, 2010

Getting the Most from Aerial Photos

After you have an aerial photo displayed, navigate inside the image. USAPhotoMaps has a number of different commands to view and manipulate the photo.
The datum used for all TerraServer-USA maps is NAD 83. This is nearly identical to the WGS 84 datum used as a default by GPS receivers. If you plan on using your GPS receiver with USAPhotoMaps, be sure that the datum settings match.
The first thing you’ll notice is that when you move the mouse cursor around the screen, map coordinates appear in the window title bar. This feature allows you to move the cursor over a feature that’s shown on the aerial photo and get its precise coordinates.
You can change how you want the coordinates displayed from the View menu. Choose the Lat/Lon item and then specify whether you want the coordinates shown in decimal degrees, degrees and decimal minutes, degrees/minutes/ seconds, or UTM formats.
Press the X key to display a dialog box with the coordinates that the cursor is currently over. You can copy the coordinates from this dialog box and paste them into another program.

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