Saturday, July 31, 2010

Using a 3-D map image in Terrain Navigator

Use Terrain Navigator to display 3-D, shaded relief images of a map to help you better understand the terrain. To show a 3-D image of the map that’s currently displayed onscreen, click the 3-D View button on the toolbar. (It looks like mountains with a small bar underneath.)
The topographic map of Fuji Mountain ) is displayed in 3-D.
A red rectangle appears on the overview map, showing you the general location of the terrain, based on the current 3-D view of the map.
To control the view of the 3-D map
  • Click and drag the cursor on the map to rotate the image.
  • Use the trackball control to the left of the map to rotate up, down, left, and right. You can also use the keyboard navigation arrow keys.
  • Use the Elevation slider bar control (it has a picture of a truck, a helicopter, and an airplane) to adjust the height you’re viewing the map from.
  • Use the zoom arrows above the Elevation slider bar to control how close forward or backward your view of the terrain is.
  • Use the Vertical Exaggeration buttons beneath the trackball control to increase and decrease the vertical scale so elevation differences are easy to distinguish.
To toggle back to a 2-D version of the map, click the 3-D View toolbar button. If you want a true 3-D experience, Terrain Navigator comes with a special pair of red-and-blue-lens, stereoscopic glasses. If you click the 3-D Glasses icon, the map is colored so it appears to have three-dimensional depth when you’re wearing the glasses.

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