Saturday, July 31, 2010

Charting elevation profiles in Terrain Navigator

Although the 3-D map view gives you a visual sense of how steep your hike is, you can get even more detailed information by using the Terrain Profile tool. This feature shows you the elevation gain/loss of your hike in pictures and numbers. Here’s how to use this tool:

1. Make sure that the map is displayed in 2-D.

2. Click the Information tool on the toolbar (an arrow with a question mark).

3. Right-click the track and select Profile from the pop-up menu.
A Profile dialog box opens that displays an elevation chart of the trail as well as how many feet you’ll be climbing and descending over the course of the trip.

Vertical profiles may have a lot of vertical exaggeration to show relative steepness. This can make terrain appear steeper than it actually is.

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