Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Edit the map

After you successfully scan the map, make any last-minute changes to the image. This could include
  • Adjusting the brightness and contrast to make the map more readable.
  • Adding symbols or text information.
  • Removing the white space (or collar as it’s known in map-speak) that surrounds the map.
Use your favorite graphics program to make any final edits to the map image. After you’re through, save the map as a TIFF, PNG, or JPG file to reduce how much disk and memory space the image takes up. (These compressed file formats are more space-efficient and memory-efficient.) The shareware version of OziExplorer can load only BMP images. Because bitmaps aren’t compressed, the entire file must be loaded into memory, which can slow down the performance of computers that don’t have much RAM.

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