Sunday, October 31, 2010

Moving around the USAPhotoMaps

You’ve probably noticed that USAPhotoMaps doesn’t use scroll bars like other Windows programs. Not to worry; you can still move around in a photo or map by using the keyboard navigational arrow keys:
If you see gray squares while you’re scrolling, map data has yet to be downloaded for that particular area. Figure above shows gray squares with aerial photo data that hasn’t been downloaded. Here are two ways to fill the squares with map or photo data:
  • From the File menu, choose Download Map Data➪Fill Screen.
  • Press the F key.
USAPhotoMaps connects to TerraServer-USA and downloads the map data for that area.
Instead of scrolling, you can also go directly to a location that you know the coordinates of. Just choose the Go To Lat/Lon item in the View menu and enter the coordinates.
USAPhotoMaps has two display modes: aerial photo and topographic map.
When you download data to fill in the gray squares, only data for the particular
mode that you’re in is downloaded.

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