Tuesday, August 31, 2010

DeLorme mapping products

DeLorme, well known for its Street Atlas USA road navigation software, also makes two topographic mapping programs: Topo USA and 3-D TopoQuads. DeLorme uses the same user interface for its entire line of consumer mapping products, so if you’re a happy user of Street Atlas USA and are looking for a map program for off-road use, it makes sense to keep things in the DeLorme family. DeLorme was one of the first vendors to offer customers a choice of map data on CDs or DVDs. If you have a DVD player on your PC, DVDs are far more convenient because you don’t have as many discs to keep track of, and you don’t have to swap discs as often to view maps of different areas. DeLorme topographic mapping products can interface with GPS receivers, display 3-D maps, search for locations, provide elevation profiles, and plan for trips just like other map programs. These two unique features in the program are especially useful:

_ Satellite imagery: DeLorme sells 10-meter resolution color satellite data for each state. When you use the images with DeLorme mapping products, you can view the satellite photos side by side with topographic maps in 2-D or 3-D.
_ Mural printing: If you need to produce a large map for a presentation, the programs support printing mural maps that are up to three pages high by three pages wide that you can join to make a large map. To read more about DeLorme’s mapping programs, visit www.delorme.com.

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