Monday, May 31, 2010

Moving around in a map with Terrain Navigator

More than likely, you’ll want to move around the map and check out the countryside that currently isn’t being displayed onscreen. Here’s how:
  • Move the cursor to one of the edges of the map. The cursor turns into an arrow; click to scroll the map in the direction that the arrow points.
  • Click the Drag tool on the toolbar. (It’s shaped like a hand.) Move the cursor to the map and hold down the left mouse button; then scroll the map by dragging.
  • Click the Center tool on the toolbar. (It’s shaped like a bull’s-eye with crosshairs.) With this tool selected, wherever you click the map, the map is drawn so it’s centered at that location.
  • Move the rectangle in the overview map. A small overview map appears to the left of the main map. A blue rectangle shows what part of the map is currently displayed onscreen. You can drag the overview map rectangle to show a new location onscreen.
As you move the cursor around the map, the coordinates and the elevation under the cursor location are displayed in the toolbar. This is useful for determining the exact locations of features on the map.

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