Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to Use Your GPS Receiver?

Finally! After you initialize your GPS receiver and change some of the system settings, it’s time to use it. Start with _ Going through the GPS receiver’s different onscreen pages and see what information is displayed.
  • Walking around and watching what happens to the numbers and your position on the GPS receiver’s mapping and trip pages. (Do this outside, of course.)
  • Pressing buttons and seeing what happens. You may want to have your user manual nearby in case you get lost between information screens.
GPS receivers are pretty robust, and you’re not going to hurt your new purchase by being curious.
GPS receiver screens can be scratched relatively easily. Investing in a carrying case will keep the screen scratch-free; many cases have a clear plastic face that allows you to use and view the GPS without taking it out of the case. Another way to keep the screen from being scratched is to buy thin, clear plastic sheets used to protect PDA screens, cut them to shape, and place the sheet on top of the GPS receiver screen.
The following are some simple exercises you can try that will help you become familiar with your GPS receiver. When you first start using your GPS receiver, take the user manual with you. If you forget how to do something or have a question, the manual will be right there for reference.

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