Monday, May 26, 2008

GPS Battery Resources

You can really get geeky with batteries and powering your GPS unit. If you get a charge out of electricity, here are some links to nitty-gritty information sources that cover voltage, milliamperes, and GPS drainage rates:
  • Battery drain for selected GPS This site offers the lowdown on just how much juice different GPS receiver models consume.
  • The Great Battery Shootout!: This site is more orientated to digital cameras (not GPS receiver-specific), but you’ll find some good data on how different types of batteries perform.
  • Newsgroups: sci.geo.satellite-nav. Do a Google Groups search in this USENET newsgroup for batteries and be prepared to spend a couple of hours reading through educational (and sometimes controversial) posts.
When you check these sources, you’ll run into mAh, which means milliampere-hours. Most rechargeable batteries like NiMH have the mAh rating printed on their label. This rating is the battery capacity. Typically, the higher the mAh number, the longer the battery will last.

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