Sunday, February 17, 2008

Specialized coordinate systems

Here are a few other coordinate systems so you know what they are:
  • MGRS (Military Grid Reference System): A coordinate system used by the U.S. and NATO military forces. It’s an extension of the UTM system. It further divides the UTM zones into 100-kilometer squares labeled with the letters A–Z.
  • State Plane Coordinate System: A coordinate system used in the United States. Each state is divided into at least one State Plane zone. Similar to the UTM system, it uses feet instead of meters.
  • Proprietary grids: Anyone can invent a coordinate system for finding locations on a map. Examples of proprietary systems are ZIP code, the Maidenhead Locator System (a grid system for amateur radio operators) and Thomas Brothers street guides (that match a location with a page number and grid).
Most coordinate systems try to make navigation and surveying more accurate and simpler. GPS is sending less-used coordinate systems the way of the dinosaur because you can quickly and easily get precise location positions in either UTM coordinates or latitude and longitude with an inexpensive GPS receiver.

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