Monday, January 31, 2011


Bill Friedrich’s TerraClient is a free, easy-to-use Windows program that displays TerraServer-USA aerial photos and maps. It doesn’t interface with GPS receivers or use GPS data, but it does have two features that make it ideal for beginning map users:
  • Easy location lookup: Instead of knowing the exact coordinates of the area you want to view, enter a place name and watch TerraClient return a list of possible matches. To view the aerial photo, click the one you’re interested in.
  • Superimposed maps: This is a very slick feature that allows you to superimpose a topographic map on top of an aerial photo. You can control the transparency of the overlay so that only a faded, ghostlike image of the map appears on top of the aerial photograph. This is very useful for quickly identifying features on aerial photos.
TerraClient has an extremely user-friendly interface, and you can be up and running the program in a matter of minutes.

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