Saturday, February 27, 2010

Creating a route with DeLorme Street Atlas USA,

If you’ve followed the chapter to this point, you can use the example map created in the earlier section, “Finding an Address with Street Atlas USA.” Suppose I want to give my friends this map of Chinatown, showing where Sam Wo’s restaurant is located. Great, but that’s not going to be much help if they’ve just arrived at the airport and are driving into the city. For their needs, I use Street Atlas USA to create a route for them to follow to noodle nirvana.
  1. Click the Route tab.
  2. In the Start text box, enter your starting address. I use a cool Street Atlas USA feature that lets you use the three-letter code of an airport. I enter SFO, which is the code for San Francisco International Airport.For the destination, enter the address in the Finish text box. Here, I enter Sam Wo’s address: 813 Washington Street, 94108. When you enter a ZIP code as part of the search, Street Atlas USA removes the ZIP code from the Finish text box when the calculated route is displayed. The ZIP is required for the search but isn’t shown with the route.
  3. Click the Calculate button.
Presto! A map appears with an outlined route from the airport to Sam Wo’s.The route distance is shown as well as an estimate of how long it will take to get there. Remember that your Calculate result is based on driving the speed limit with a normal amount of traffic. You can zoom in on the map to get more detail. On all street navigation software, you’ll find that the travel times for routes tend to be conservative estimates. Nine times out of ten, you end up taking less time to reach your destination.

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