Friday, December 31, 2010

Saving Aerial Photos

After you have an aerial photo or map displayed onscreen, you can save the image to use with other programs:
  • From the File menu: Choose Copy to Screen.jpg. This saves a copy of the aerial photo or map currently displayed onscreen to a file named Screen.jpg in the same folder that USAPhotoMaps is installed in.
  • Print Screen: Press the Print Screen key to save the current image to the Clipboard. If you want to save only a portion of the map or aerial photo that appears onscreen.
  • BigJpeg: Use the BigJpeg utility. Doug Cox has a free utility that creates a single, 1-meter resolution, JPG format graphics file from a photo or map. You define the boundaries of an area you want to save in USAPhotoMaps and then run BigJpeg to create the graphics file. You can download BigJpeg, with complete instructions, at

Creating and Using Multiple Map Files

USAPhotoMaps uses a map file to name areas that have downloaded aerial photo or map data. A map file is a bookmark for a general vicinity or location. For example, you might have downloaded aerial photos for the entire Grand Canyon. Instead of scrolling to view photos at each end, you could create two map files, one called North Grand Canyon and the other South Grand Canyon.
To create a map file bookmark
  1. From the File menu, choose New Map File.
  2. In the New Map dialog box that appears, enter the name of the map file and the coordinates that you’d like to bookmark.
  3. Click OK.
After you create a map file, select it, and USAPhotoMaps displays the aerial photo or map associated with that area.
To select and display a new map file
  1. From the File menu, choose Open Map File.
  2. Select the name of the map file to load.
  3. Click OK.
The area that you bookmarked is now displayed onscreen. Map file bookmarks are used to identify a general location. They shouldn’t be used for marking a very specific set of coordinates, such as a GPS waypoint.